As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration
The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
The bibliography is in APA style.
Author Guidelines
Authors are requested to submit manuscripts through the online submission facility. Please register with the journal as an author and visit for submitting your manuscript. JSDC welcomes research scholars, activists, teachers, policymakers, and other professionals in the field of social sciences to contribute their knowledge to the Journal of Studies in Dynamics and Change. JSDC follows a double-blind peer review system in order to bring out qualitative contributions to the theoretical aspects of knowledge on the dynamics of social change. While all the contributions in their final form shall be published in the English language, please do not hesitate to submit a paper even if you are not very confident about the linguistic presentations in your contributions. The primary focus of the journal is the originality of the content you are submitting in a manner that is comprehendible to a wide section of readers. Therefore, the presentation of your ideas is what matters. Please use coloured charts, diagrams, tables, figures, photographs, equations etc to express your idea in better ways. Moreover, our rigorous review process will support your efforts.
We have a zero-tolerance policy for plagiarised work. It is the responsibility of the authors to check if the similarity level of their submission is within the acceptable limit of less than 10% excluding quotations and references. We process all the submissions fairly quickly. The average time taken for a decision on whether a submission is accepted for publication is about four weeks. However, if you do not receive any reply from us on the decision regarding the publication of your manuscript for four months, please consider the same as the rejection of your paper. If accepted for publication, the authors need to work on the comments of the reviewer quickly to make the publication process smooth and meaningful. The total time taken for the transition of a submission from the manuscript phase to publication may range between 2-6 months. Submissions with topical and timely interest will be prioritised over others.
To encourage flexibility in the expression of ideas we do not have a set format for authors. However, we suggest the following structure below. The sequence of the first five elements must be maintained.
Title of the Submission
Name of the Authors
Abstract (in 150-200 words)
Keywords (Maximum five)
Author Details: (Institutional affiliation if any/ corresponding author and contact email ids)
Review of Literature (must for all the submissions)
Data and Methods (must for empirical studies that involve analysis and presentation of data)
Analysis and Results
References (Maximum 20)
Figures and Tables used in the paper/article (numbered with references suitable in the text of the paper/article)
The authors, however, may strictly follow the following font and paragraph style.
Font: “Bookman Old Style” throughout
Title: Font size 16 bold
Name of the Authors: Font size 12 bold
Abstract: Font size 9
Main captions: Font size 10 Bold, all CAPs
Subtitles: Font size 10 Italics
Text: Font size 10
Research articles are special articles with a structured presentation of motivation, context, literature review, research questions & methods of analysis, results & discussions, conclusions and references.
Research Ideas
This section will publish new research ideas, methodologies, new research questions and research tools.
Copyright Notice
JSDC will retain the copyright of the papers submitted. Individual users are however free to share and use the papers for any non-commercial purpose.
Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.