What do we learn from our performances in MDGs ?

A comparative analysis of selected High,Middle and Low income Countries



Targets under MDGs, Performance on MDGs, Economic development , Poverty eradication


In September 2000, the United Nations Millennium Declaration aiming at reducing extreme poverty was adopted by World leaders in New York. It introduced a series of eight-time-bound targets known as Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) to be achieved by 2015. This paper shows the performance of some selected countries in terms of MDGs. The study is based on secondary data. This study has used descriptive statistics to make a comparative analysis of the achievements of MDGs across selected countries and also to know whether the efforts towards achieving MDGs have changed the development indicators in India. We have taken a sample of 35 countries out of 193 member countries of the UN and divided it into three categories high, middle and low-income groups. We have selected 10, 16 and 9 countries from each group respectively. The study found that the progress towards achieving these goals has been unequal across the selected countries.


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How to Cite

Mohanty, S. S., & Dash, A. (2024). What do we learn from our performances in MDGs ? : A comparative analysis of selected High,Middle and Low income Countries. Journal of Studies in Dynamics and Change (JSDC), 11(2), 1–18. Retrieved from https://jsdconline.com/journal/jsdc/index.php/home/article/view/12