The Role of Social Networks in Migration
A Case Study of Out-migration from Uttar Pradesh to Mumbai
Social Network, Transfer Cost, Migration in India, Mumbai migrant workersAbstract
Social networks have gained wider relevance in economics and other interdisciplinary sciences in the recent era. Various literature and studies have been undertaken to assess the role and impact of social networks on migration. On one side it encourages migration and on another side, to some extent it also acts as an entry barrier and thus restricts migration if it is based on any caste, creed, religion or region. The literature on the role of social networks in migration is under-explored as there is a dearth of proper data sources and is also difficult to evaluate. The present paper thus fills this gap. The paper makes an attempt to assess the applicability of network theory for the analysis of migration from Uttar Pradesh to Mumbai. The paper will unravel existing studies and literature across various disciplines on the role of social networks in facilitating migration. To support the objectives and findings from the literature, the study carries out a primary survey of 50 Auto-rickshaw and Taxi drivers at Andheri, Khar East, Chembur- Deonar and Jogeshwari in Mumbai. Snowball methodology has been used for the selection of sites and the study is solely based on primary data. Collected data were tabulated and analyzed with simple statistical tools. The finding of the study is that network positively affects migration decisions by reducing transfer costs both in physical and monetary terms. Studyemploying exhaustive literature review and field survey found that social networks encourage migration. Migration from eastern Uttar Pradesh to Mumbai is, to a large extent facilitated by social networks in the case of auto and taxi drivers.
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