Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture and Other Livelihood Options in Costal Odisha
Impact of climate change, Sustainable livelihoods, Ecosystem Management, climate change and agriculture, Global warmingAbstract
The consequences of climate change in agriculture are one of the most distressed zones of global warming, and its effects are seen through the crop loss, poor soil condition, pest attacks. In addition, agriculture also facing the natural disasters like, droughts, floods, cyclones, and the late monsoon caused of climatic variation. In Odisha over 60 per cent of the population depends on agriculture for their livelihood and due to nature’s extremes like cyclone and floods, the agriculture shows a negative growth for last decade, from 2004-05 to 2014-15 (Odisha Economic Survey, 2014-15). Addition to the unpredictable happening of the nature the difficulty in getting weather related information also hamper the agriculture and that to, many of the farmers were shifted to other unconventional and unsustainable livelihood options. Agronomic model of climate sensitivity indicate that higher temperatures are likely to be harmful to many crops, but in contrary some of other studies are in view that, climate change may not always produce the negative impact on crops yield. In this paper author has tried to provide a theoretical base to the cost of climate change in the form of crop modification, livestock and transition in livelihood options to the productivity of agriculture and livelihood across ten agro ecological zones, specifically in the coastal belt of Odisha and their climate resilience potentiality.
Keywords: climate change, livelihood, ecosystem, agriculture, global warming
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