Dr. Hab Lidia Guzy
Associate Editor-JSDC
Lecturer South Asian and Indigenous Religions, Study of Religions Department, CACSSS, University College Cork, National University of Ireland, Ireland
Profile Links:
Institutional Website: http://research.ucc.ie/profiles/A040/lguzy/Home
For Correspondence:
Email: jsdc@jsdconline.com
Educational Details:
PhD: July 2002 Bi-national Ph.D. in Ethnology/Social Anthropology at the Freie Universität Berlin and simultaneously at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) in Paris (thèse en co-tutelle)
PG: August 1998 Bi-national M.A. in Ethnology/Social Anthropology at the Freie Universität Berlin (Magister Artium) and in Anthropologie Sociale at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris (Diplôme de l’École)
Professional Experiences:
1) 19 years of PG and UG teaching experience
2) 20 years of research experience
3) Programme Director, MA Anthropology, University College Cork, National University of Ireland: Sept 2018-ongoing
4) Head, Study of Religions Department, University College Cork, National University of Ireland: Aug 2016-Jun 2020
5) Lecturer in Contemporary South Asian Religions at Study of Religions Department, University College Cork, National University of Ireland: Sept 2011-ongoing
6) Visiting Professor in Anthropology, Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès, France: Mar-Apr 2016
7) Director of the Marginalised and Endangered Worldviews Study Centre (MEWSC) at University College Cork, National University of Ireland: Sept 2013-ongoing
8) Representative, Board India Study Centre Cork (ISCC), School of Asian Studies, University College Cork, National University of Ireland: Feb 2015-ongoing
9) Associate Researcher (chercheur associé) at the Centre d’Anthropologie Sociale (CAS-LISST, EHESS, Toulouse): 2010-ongoing
8) Senior Researcher at the Institute for Study of Religions, Freie Universität Berlin: Sept 2005-Oct 2006
9) Senior Researcher at the Institute of Ethnology, Freie Universität Berlin within the Orissa Research Programme funded by the German Research Foundation: Jun 2002-Apr 2005
10) Junior Research Associate at the Institute of Ethnology/Social Anthropology, Freie Universität (FU) Berlin: May 1999-May 2002
11) Project Co-Director within the Tandem Museum project Funded by the Volkswagen Foundation: Nov 2006-May 2010
12) Designed and developed a new postgraduate MA programme in Anthropology at University College Cork in September 2018 which has been selected as UCC pilot Frontier Programmes in Education and Teaching
Additional Information:
1) Research Interests: Anthropology of South Asia; Museum anthropology; Media Anthropology; Local arts and ethnicity; Anthropology of South Asian religions; Ethnomusicology/anthropology of music; Ritual Studies; Adivasi and Indigenous Studies; Endangered and Marginalised Worldviews; India Study Centre Cork (ISCC); India-Brazil-Latin America comparison; Indigenous knowledge systems, indigenous hermeneutics and sustainability
2) Awards:
- Leadership Award by University College Cork: 2018
- Erasmus Plus Award for staff exchange at Universidad Tecnica de Oruro, Bolivia: 2017-18
- European Commission AMIDILA Erasmus Mundus award for research at Brazilian partner University, Universidade Federal do Piauí: 2014-15
- Publication award granted by National University of Ireland for publication of “Marginalised Music: Music, Religions and Politics of Western Odisha”: 2012
- UCC CACSSS research awards for research travels: 2012
3) Language Proficiency: Polish, German, English, French, Odia